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How do you spell Simone??

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How do you spell Simone?? Empty How do you spell Simone??

Post by Administrator Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:11 pm

All of you must know this name... Simone... is a female given name derived from Simon. Simone itself is the French spelling.
But.... How do you spell it??

Simon is spelled : Šimʻôn (saimen)

Simone??? Does anybody know how to pronounce it?? Ganteng

as the best answer.. i will give you Thanks (+2 rep) ^^ Horray

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How do you spell Simone?? Empty Re: How do you spell Simone??

Post by helman Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:00 pm

simone: this one is not mean to female name only, Italian guys also using this name. and they (italian guys) will pronounce it as it written "si-mo-ne" or "simone [silence "e" become "i"] => si-mon-i"

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How do you spell Simone?? Empty Re: How do you spell Simone??

Post by Administrator Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:26 am

helman wrote:simone: this one is not mean to female name only, Italian guys also using this name. and they (italian guys) will pronounce it as it written "si-mo-ne" or "simone [silence "e" become "i"] => si-mon-i"
yah.. that's rite.. some italian use that not only for woman's name... ...reminds me of ex-Lazio striker.. Simone Inzaghi.. heheheh

but, in England.. The Brits.. (british) use this name for their daughter... maybe the Brits with French descent .... Simone Weil.... and they even have different pronounce on this name...
It pronounced... Si-mon...
Si for "see"
Mon for "mown"

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How do you spell Simone?? Empty Re: How do you spell Simone??

Post by Administrator Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:33 pm

solved... Topic locked

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